Why Ivan Litvinovich’s Gold Medal Won’t Appear in the Official Olympic Table

The recent Olympics have brought forward a unique situation involving athletes from Belarus and Russia. This year, gold and silver medals won by Belarusian trampoline gymnasts Ivan Litvinovich and Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya will not be listed in the official Olympic medal table. Here’s why and what it means for the athletes and their countries.

Background on the Ban

The Ban on Belarusian and Russian Athletes

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) imposed a ban on athletes from Russia and Belarus.

This decision was made due to the support Belarus provided to Russia’s military actions. The ban aimed to maintain the integrity of the Games and to not condone the aggression seen in the conflict. Ivan Litvinovich medals were also affected by this decision.

The Neutral Athlete Status

Who Are the Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs)?

Athletes from countries affected by the ban, such as Belarus and Russia, can still compete if they meet specific criteria. These athletes are known as Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs). They compete without national symbols, flags, or anthems and are required to adhere strictly to neutrality, avoiding any support for the ongoing conflict.

Criteria for Neutral Status

To qualify as AINs, athletes must not be involved in or support the military or security agencies of their home countries. This criterion is set to ensure that their participation does not implicitly support the policies of their governments.

Ivan Litvinovich’s Achievement

Winning Gold Without National Symbols

Ivan Litvinovich, a Belarusian trampoline gymnast, successfully defended his Olympic title but did so under the neutral flag. Despite the absence of the Belarusian flag and anthem, Litvinovich’s performance was remarkable. Instead, the athlete heard a neutral song and saw the teal AIN flag during the medal ceremony.

Reaction from Belarus

Congratulations from Belarusian Officials

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated Litvinovich, expressing pride in his achievement. However, Litvinovich chose to avoid discussing his past support for Lukashenko and focused on his future aspirations of competing under his national flag again.

The Belarusian Olympic Committee’s Response

The Belarusian Olympic Committee (BOC), which is not recognized by the IOC, celebrated Litvinovich’s victory as a historic achievement for Belarus, despite the official records listing him under neutral status.

Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya’s Performance

Silver Medal in Trampoline Gymnastics

Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya, also from Belarus, won a silver medal in trampoline gymnastics. Like Litvinovich, Bardzilouskaya competed as an AIN, and her medal is similarly not listed in the official medal table.

Recognition and Reactions

Support from Belarusian Officials

Bardzilouskaya’s achievement was also recognized by Belarusian officials, who praised her performance. The reaction underscores the pride and support from her home country, even though the official Olympic record does not reflect her medal.

Russian Athletes Competing as AINs

Mirra Andreeva and Diana Shnaider

Russian athletes are also competing as AINs. Mirra Andreeva and Diana Shnaider, who have secured a place in the women’s doubles tennis final, represent another facet of the complex situation regarding neutral status in the Olympics.

The IOC’s Initial Ban and Subsequent Adjustments

Response to the Invasion of Ukraine

The IOC initially banned all Russian and Belarusian athletes following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This decision was made to uphold the Olympic values and to prevent any form of endorsement of the aggression.

Conditions for Competing as AINs

The IOC later adjusted its stance, allowing these athletes to compete under neutral terms. This decision came with strict conditions to ensure that the athletes did not actively support or endorse the ongoing conflict.

Ukrainian President’s Critique

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Criticism

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized the IOC’s decision to allow Russian athletes to compete. Zelensky argued that permitting Russian participation might be seen as condoning aggression, especially when Ukrainian athletes are actively engaged in the conflict.

Impact of the Sanctions on Russian Athletes

Historical Context of Sanctions

This is the fourth consecutive Olympics where Russian athletes are competing under a neutral designation. The ongoing sanctions are a continuation of measures initially imposed due to a state-sponsored doping scandal.

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